Thursday, June 24, 2010

Its almost a new school year!

Yikes! The School Year is coming up fast! My brother Keanu will be in 10th grade, My little Sister Priscilla Will be in 2nd grade, and my littlest sister Nene... well this will be her first year at school!!! Which means somebody has to tach her her numbers, letters, math, spelling, and all of that stuff... So I got the job! Yay!?!? NOOO!?!?!? idk how to react to it! :P Maybe she'll be more nice to me around the house because I'm her teacher for just, what, an hour!?! hahaha Hope shes more friendly, and kind, before kindergarden... :I When My sister Priscilla was coming into kindergarden My brother and I were the ones to teach her... she got a total panic attach sometimes because we would be in this really small "kid school house tent" Maybe she needed more air! :P So for my sister nene, I thought I would make my Own tent with a parachute that my mom got from some yard sale or something... I used the whole Living room, (and our living room is Giant!) So it was me, nene, and priscilla in the tent at first... Then my little cozens came over and they had fun in the GIANT tent to! Just to make sure my little sister felt comfortable with learning hard stuff, (Well hard to her...) I put some of her Favorite stuffed animals in the tent, Like Corn dog her stuffed animal dog! :P What do I learn from kids...? Well Sense I am around them allllllll the time... There crazy, with crazy ideas, and weird little minds! As a matter In fact... I think my cozens, Posha, And Toko..... are some sort of freaky (but cute) Species! :) Well there all really weird, but posha and toko take the throne for weirdest!


I'm back from California and i haven't been posting lately... :/
So i have a TON of pictures my sister Courtney, My brother Keanu, and me., Got all of the pictures. The Computer counted all of the photos of our San Diego Trip, And well, there were 500 Pictures!!! I know it's CrAzY :P
So I'll post as many as I can for now... :P
*most of the pictures are from The San Diego Zoo :P

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hey! I'm going to list some good books that I've read! If you guys read them them comment and we could talk about the book or something!!!! First off I've read all the twilight saga books! and so I know A lot of people love the twilight saga. Even if you aren't a fan! lol well I loved that series because of the setting, characters, plot and everything! it just all fit together so well. haha,

So another book would be, "Back Water" Its a great fast and easy book that's about a 16- year- old girl in a family of lawyers And her family wants Her to be a lawyer too. She has a dream of her own that she's going to stick to! She wants to be a historian. Throughout the book She is working on a family tree book of her own. She's making it for her aunt's birthday and she wants to find out as much as possible about her family so she could add more to her family tree book. So she goes to a historian keeper to try to find her Missing aunt Josephine. It turns out that her aunt is alive living in the great big mountains. She goes to find her lost aunt with Mountain MaMa (her guide) And has a horrid time on the snowy and cold way up. Then when she finally makes it to her aunts house, Her aunt is friendly and is an animal lover especially for her town of birds. She invites Her 16- year- old niece to stay with her just for 3 days. She has a great time with her aunt for the three days, but when its the morning of the day she has to leave and the day mountain MaMa comes for her... She wakes up with a big Bang! And the roof fell in from the horrid snow storm that was hitting all of the house all night, The roof had fallen onto her aunt Josephine's Bed. She quickly jumps out and tries to help and save her aunt who'd become her best friend." The beginning, middle, and end where all so exciting and enjoyable. LOL

So anyways another good book series would be "Miki Falls" Its an anime and there are four books, Spring, Summer, Fall, And Winter. Its my FAVORITE out of all! Its romantic and your just hoping all the way through! haha well anyways I Reallly offer this book when someone asks me what book they should read!